One Month In: Reflections
Dear reader,
It feels so surreal that I’ve been here in Copenhagen for a month now. It’s a complicated mix of constantly feeling both sentimental for the weeks that have already passed, yet also excitedly anticipating the upcoming six weeks in Mexico. With about a week and a half left in Europe, I’ve been taking some time lately to reflect on everything I’ve learned while I’ve been here and all the ways that living among a new culture has affected me and the way I approach new situations. When I was preparing to travel here and begin studying abroad, I was eager to experience life in new surroundings but also a bit nervous, as this was a totally new realm for me to be stepping into on my own. However, I know enough about myself to be able to feel reassured that I have rarely had trouble adapting to a new routine. Sure, it's absolutely natural to feel nervous about beginning an entirely new lifestyle without knowing anyone at all, but I knew that the anxiety that came with that would subside once I established a new routine, became closer with new friends, and learned to feel comfortable within my new environment.
It really is such an incredible opportunity to be able to experience the culture of new places. It may be difficult to adapt at times, and I’ve discovered that culture shock is very real, but it’s also illuminating and inspires constant personal growth. The first few weeks here I spent in sheer admiration–of the beautiful historical stone buildings lining every charming cobblestone street, the unfamiliar language being spoken around me, the chic style of every Dane I pass, the delicious traditional fastelavnsboller pastries and smørrebrød, and so many other lovely parts of Danish culture. After that honeymoon-like period, though, elements of culture shock started to set in. It became more frustrating to not be able to understand the name or contents of the products at the grocery store, receiving a judgemental glance if you spoke a bit too loud on the metro, and getting hopelessly lost every time I tried to bike somewhere (or worse, hearing an aggressive bicycle bell directed at you if you make any kind of mistake while trying to navigate the confusing rules of the bike lanes). These little annoyances definitely posed challenges, but hardly ever overwhelmed my excitement to be exploring a new place. I really feel like I’ve discovered a passion for learning about the way other people go about their lives and interact with each other, what they value and appreciate, and how they express creativity and love and emotion and spirit. It feels so enlightening and inspiring to be immersed in another culture and it fills me with so much excitement to think about the possibility of exploring much more in the future!
Love, Grace
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